Tuesday, July 13, 2010

To anyone who has actually felt curious enough to visit this ‘bloggy’ let me start my tales by telling you what inspired me. Ever since I left school and joined the University of Colombo, all people want to know is – so did they rag you? What was it like? One year ago this would have launched a pretty interesting discussion where I would happily dish out the ‘gory details’ of the campus Rag, exaggerating here and there to get the reaction I want from my enchanted audience. Today the very idea of discussing the rag has the same effect as Piriton or Avil has on me when I’m having Catar. Seriously people there is more to campus life than what the late Nihal De Silva (with all due respect) fed us via the Ginirella Conspiracy. In a nutshell this blog hopes to contain ramblings of a ‘Kampuscella’ which will inform but mostly entertain. Hopefully (fingers crossed) someone will come across this and my pockets won’t be so empty anymore 

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