Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year

The thing about New Year Resolutions and me is that somewhere down the line, I decided it’s a list of to do stuff, that I keep hoping will get done in the course of 365 days but never do. I guess I decided - why make em’ when ya can’t keep em’ . I think I hit a new low when I realised I couldn’t even remember my last year resolutions, let alone remember if I made any.

Anyway for some people the idea of resolutions is a load of crap, but then I think every person at one point in their life may have decided to make a to – do list in life, because they had arrived at a particular juncture in life where they felt they needed some extra guidance. So I guess the chances are even if I make that list, the odds of me fulfilling a single one is probably really really low at least at the end of this year, I wouldn’t be wondering if I made any because all I’d need to do is refer this post.

New Year Resolutions – 2011

1. Prioritize on finishing the degree and attorneys
2. Do one good deed every day to make some one else’s day
3. Try to control my temper from flaring up over the sillier things
4. Stop making excuses for nick- naming my tummy Tina and having a bum that can be equated to a truck, and thighs the size of mutton...
5. Try not to bust up money on colouring my hair
6. Stop procrastinating on FB (oh pleasssee why am I even putting this up?)
7. Stop making mountains out of mole hills
8. Stop wasting time wondering if the world really will end in 2012
9. Make more time for friends and family.
10. Make sure at least 1 thing on this list is done by the end of this year

This way .... I don’t have an excuse... the webs we weave

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