Sunday, April 10, 2011

Week 1 in Germany

Its been one really long week involving lots of walking and long stays at bus stops waiting impatiently for buses to arrive. Its kinda funny cuz I keep telling my friends who are with me that while we waste time in SL traffic trying to get from one place to another, we waste time in Germany trying to catch a bus but since its on time, it gives you the chance to plan your day which is kinda hard back home. Some people are nice, others not so nice. I managed to dislocate my knee in the course of the first few days and inconvieniance the whole of Giessen! okay maybe not the whole but the people who I know... mostly one Christian Drucker who has been driving me back and forth between hospital and my apartment. German Bureacracy is the other thing that is pretty inflexible... As frustrating as it is for a international student its impressive how they stick to their guns no matter what... reminds me that administration is just difficult no matter what part of the world you go to.

Besides all that its beautiful in Deutchland ... all the flowers are out... mostly snow white cherry blossoms and everyone is enjoying the great weather. Visited Wetzlar yesterday which was absolutely gorgeous!!! Daffodils in shades of yellow and white, roses, tulips of every imaginable colour :) We also visited Braufelds Castle where we met the worlds cutest tour guide ever... and he spoke English (yey). Speaking of which I keep wondering if Germans choose not to speak in English cuz they don't want to and want to make some kind of nationalistic statement or whether they just can't. Christian assured me that they would speak in English they could, and what you see is what you get... still scratching my head over that one ;)

We were also taken by our study buddies Lina, Mari and Saskia to the Dach Cafe which provided us with a breath taking view of Giessen and gave me the oppertunity to try my first *non - alcoholic* beer ( yes the Germans have been considerate :P) which was actually quite nice - but pretty sweet.

We had waffels at Christians ( yes this post is becoming all about christian i know :P). The thing is his mom makes super waffels with cherry preserve and cream and vanilla pudding and he has an amazing house (also located in Wetzlar) with the most beautiful garden and the Druckers take German hospitality to different level altogether and they made my day today:):) .. .I couldn't take may camera so i don't have pics but when I go again will upload some :)

Anyway besides the small hicups my first week has been great :) will post finer details when I'm less brain dead :)

Sunday, February 13, 2011


I think the hardest part to come to terms with is the fact that life doesn’t give you a moment to cope... A moment to just process everything... and a little time would make all the difference...that’s what seems to be the hardest....

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Over Drive...

I feel so tired. I really do. But It’s better this way than when the weekends come. Does that make me sick? My body is shutting down, my muscles hurt BUT when I lie down on the bed I can’t fall asleep. It’s like my body is tired but too full of energy to shut down, like after drinking black coffee. It’s crazy. What’s worse is that I’m happy to feel so exhausted. I have to wake up at 6am tomorrow morning and I know I might have to take a piriton just to knock me out.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Passport Pics

I went to get my some Passport pics I needed for some administrative stuff with a friend today. And after he took it I couldn’t help but worry when my friend laughed and said ‘I wonder whether they can reject my application based on how terrible I look?’ Honestly having a camera poked in my face is definitely on my list of top ten things that really fluster me. I don’t fret about it for long, but neither do I sit and look at the printed copies of my face in awe…

Anyway, while the photo guy (lets call him that for now) was smudging away my blemishes for what seemed like a life time – yes there were so many and it got me thinking of a conversation I had with my best friends a few days back…

I have a few friends who I love, but are annoyingly obsessed with their boy-friends – yes yes call me bitter and single if you like, but honestly the sad truth is that while to the rest of us mortals the world revolves around the sun, to them the world revolves around their better halves (puke). And sadly along with this disease that infects at least 2/3rd of the female population I know, the moment they start going out , along comes the obsession with appearance. All of sudden the girl who didn’t care whether she had tummy tires, would be eating rabbit food. And while expressing my exasperation, I realized I just couldn’t understand why?

The way I saw it, those girls already have someone to prop up their self –esteem, unlike the rest of us who have to rely on our parents and their small mercies to keep us feeling like a million bucks. But then, the bet friend opened my eyes to whole new world of insecurities that I had been blind to like…

1. You can no longer afford to wax your legs cuz you can no longer afford to let your leg hair grow EVER ( this applies regardless of whether you are magnanimous when showing skin or not cuz whether you like it or not HE IS GOING TO SEE THEM)
2. If you’ve caught your self a live one ( the type that hasn’t really been bated properly – basically the one with the wondering eye) you realize you have competition, and in this competition you always have to look your best
3. You can no longer afford to nurture your eyebrow hair growth into Sherwood forest, because even if you can keep everyone else at bay, HE WILL get a close up…

And for someone who likes to wax her legs and hide them behind jeans when the hair starts to grow, for someone who loves a good ol’ pair of jeans and an old t-shirt and never brushes her hair except just after a bath, and who has no problem sporting clumps of Sherwood forest on her forehead – I felt pretty exhausted after just those 3 points….

And that in turn got me thinking about another point a friend of mine made. He said – ‘giff, on a daily basis (no offence) you dress like a guy – the jeans, the tshirt, the back pack, the rubber slippers, and the ‘Adoh kohomada?’ pretty much sums you up, but when you take the effort to dress up, you clean up realllyy well’ – my response was ‘do you have any idea how much effort goes into looking like that?’ But then I realized he was right, in a dress and heels, its like I live a double life, I mean I could be a modern day Cinderella I guess.

But then that’s just it, isn’t it? Whether your single or not, in out own sad way – appearance really does count. To those of us who have found their better halves I guess it’ll take a long long time before they are comfortable enough to expose them selves as what they REALLY are, and for the rest of us we decide to dress up for those special occasions and not waltz in a pair of baggy jeans just so we can become further obsessed with our appearance … in a sense it seems like some sick cycle that can really damage us…

But then most of us like being admired, and obsessing pays off when we get compliments etc.. so maybe the sick cycle isn’t so bad after all…

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year

The thing about New Year Resolutions and me is that somewhere down the line, I decided it’s a list of to do stuff, that I keep hoping will get done in the course of 365 days but never do. I guess I decided - why make em’ when ya can’t keep em’ . I think I hit a new low when I realised I couldn’t even remember my last year resolutions, let alone remember if I made any.

Anyway for some people the idea of resolutions is a load of crap, but then I think every person at one point in their life may have decided to make a to – do list in life, because they had arrived at a particular juncture in life where they felt they needed some extra guidance. So I guess the chances are even if I make that list, the odds of me fulfilling a single one is probably really really low at least at the end of this year, I wouldn’t be wondering if I made any because all I’d need to do is refer this post.

New Year Resolutions – 2011

1. Prioritize on finishing the degree and attorneys
2. Do one good deed every day to make some one else’s day
3. Try to control my temper from flaring up over the sillier things
4. Stop making excuses for nick- naming my tummy Tina and having a bum that can be equated to a truck, and thighs the size of mutton...
5. Try not to bust up money on colouring my hair
6. Stop procrastinating on FB (oh pleasssee why am I even putting this up?)
7. Stop making mountains out of mole hills
8. Stop wasting time wondering if the world really will end in 2012
9. Make more time for friends and family.
10. Make sure at least 1 thing on this list is done by the end of this year

This way .... I don’t have an excuse... the webs we weave